Space Pole Publications Server 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Astrometric Results for Observations of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites During Mutual Occultations and Eclipses in 2009 and 2014–2015 / Emel'yanov, N. V. ; Arlot, J.-E. ; Zhang, X. L. ; Bradshaw, J. ; et al
published in Solar System Research, 53, pp. 436–442 (2019) 10.1134/S0038094619060017 [SCART-2020-0044]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentic Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Abbeel, F. ; Adams, J. ; Aguirre, S. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 64752, pp. 5 (2009) [ASTROimport-1059]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentric Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Allen, B. ; Apitzsch, R. ; Argentin, Y. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 66688, pp. 3 (2009) [ASTROimport-1047]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentric Occultation Observation] / Herald, D. ; Aikawa, R. ; Bernascolle, P. ; Blichfeldt, M. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 61165, pp. 13 (2007) [ASTROimport-747]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentic Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Abbeel, F. ; Allen, B. ; Anderson, P. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 64483, pp. 12 (2008) [ASTROimport-710]
Conf. Talk 
The Effects of Non-Local Heat Conduction on Impulsively Heated Loops / West, M. ; Parenti, S. ; et al
Talk presented at Eugiene Parker Workshop, ROB, Brussels, Belgium on 2012-xx-xx [SIDCimport-969]
Science Article 
Study of a transient siphon flow in a cold loop / Doyle, J.G. ; Taroyan, Y. ; Ishak, B. ; Madjarska, M.S. ; et al
published in Astron. Astrophys., 452, pp. 1072-1082 (2006) [SIDCimport-137]

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