| Science Article (Ref.) Signatures of dynamic fibrils at the coronal base: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI
/ Mandal, Sudip ; Peter, Hardi ; Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep ; Cuadrado, Regina A. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 670, pp. L3 (2023)
| First Perihelion of EUI
/ Berghmans, David ; Antolin, Patrick ; et al
Talk presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop on 2022-09-12
| Conf. Poster Intriguing coronal upflows at the edge of a sunspot - what causes it and can it become part of the solar wind?
/ Harra, Louise ; Barczynski, Krzysztof ; et al
Poster presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-12
| A Statistical Comparison of EUV Brightenings Observed by SO/EUI with Simulated Brightenings in Non-potential Simulations
/ Barczynski, K. ; Meyer, K. A. ; Harra, L. K. ; Mackay, D. H. ; et al
accepted to be published in astronomy & Astrophysics (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) Solar coronal heating from small-scale magnetic braids
/ Chitta, L. P. ; Peter, H. ; Parenti, S. ; Berghmans, D. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 667, pp. A166
| Conf. Poster Stereoscopic Measurements of Coronal Doppler Velocities aboard Solar Orbiter
/ Podladchikova, O. ; Harra, L. ; et al
Poster presented at 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, online on 2021-01-28
| Conf. Poster The first eruptions imaged by Solar Orbiter
/ D'Huys, E. ; Long, D. ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Solar Physics Meeting, Online on 2021-09-06
| Science Article (Ref.) Stereoscopy of extreme UV quiet Sun brightenings observed by Solar Orbiter/EUI
/ Zhukov, A. N. ; Mierla, M. ; Auchère, F. ; Gissot, S. ; ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 656 issue A35 (2021)
| Conf. Poster Full Vector Velocity Reconstruction Using Solar Orbiter Doppler Map Observations.
/ Podladchikova, O ; Harra, L ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans (US)/Online on 2021-12-15
| Conf. Talk Stereoscopic Measurements of Coronal Doppler Velocities
/ Podladchikova, E. ; Harra, L. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on 2020-12-01