| Conf. Talk FAIRness of solar physics and space weather datasets through international collaboration
/ Delouille, Veronique ; Verstringe, Freek ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW, Coimbra, Portugal on 2024-11-05
| Science Article (Ref.) Quantifying errors in 3D CME parameters derived from synthetic data using white-light reconstruction techniques
/ Verbeke, Christine ; Mays, M. Leila ; Kay, Christina ; Riley, Pete ; et al
published in Advances in Space Research, 72 issue 2 (2023)
| Press Rel. COSPAR press release 2022 - Understanding our capabilities in observing and modelling Coronal Mass Ejections
/ Verbeke, Christine
| Science Article (Ref.) ICARUS, a new inner heliospheric model with a flexible grid
/ Verbeke, Christine ; Baratashvili, Tinatin ; Poedts, Stefaan
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 662 (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) Dynamic Time Warping as a means to assess solar wind time series
/ Samara, Evangelia ; Laperre, Brecht ; Kieokaew, Rungployphan ; Temmer, Manuela ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 927, pp. 187 (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) Effect of the Initial Shape of Coronal Mass Ejections on 3-D MHD Simulations and Geoeffectiveness Predictions
/ Scolini, Camilla ; Verbeke, Christine ; Poedts, Stefaan ; Chané, Emmanuel ; et al
published in Space Weather (2018)
| Conf. Poster Modelling Coronal Mass Ejections with EUHFORIA: Testing the Effect of Different Shapes on Predictions at 1 AU
/ Scolini, Camilla ; Verbeke, Christine ; et al
Poster presented at ICNSP 2017, Leuven, Belgium on 2017-09-18
| Conf. Poster Sun-To-Earth Simulations Of Geoeffective Coronal Mass Ejections With EUHFORIA: A Heliospheric-Magnetospheric Model Chain Approach
/ Scolini, Camilla ; Verbeke, Christine ; et al
Poster presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA (2017) on 2017-12-11
| Conf. Poster Sun-To-Earth Simulations Of Geoeffective Coronal Mass Ejections With EUHFORIA: A Heliospheric-Magnetospheric Model Chain Approach
/ Scolini, Camilla ; Verbeke, Christine ; et al
Poster presented at 14th European Space Weather week, Ostende, Belgium (2017) on 2017-11-27