Space Pole Publications Server 20 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Outreach Talk 
Leren en onderwijzen van sterrenkunde in het planetarium / Sermeus, Jan
Talk presented at MIRA on 2023-05-23 [OUTRTLK-2024-0004]
Two dimensions of critical thinking / Sermeus, Jan
Seminar presented at KU Leuven on 2023-08-31 [SEMIN-2024-0002]
VR-Everest: A case-study of a science communication effort / Sermeus, Jan
Seminar presented at UMons on 2023-12-04 [SEMIN-2024-0001]
Outreach Talk 
Ethisch en cultureel gevoelige onderwerpen in de les wetenschappen / Verschoren, Veerle ; Sermeus, Jan ; et al
Talk presented at Vlaams congres voor leraars wetenschappen on 2023-02-04 [OUTRTLK-2024-0003]
Conf. Poster 
Sensitive topics in the secondary classroom: Exploring determinants of pedagogic frailty / Vandecandelaere, Machteld ; Kaleem, Rushda ; et al
Poster presented at EARLI on 2023-08-23 [POSTER-2024-0001]
Conf. Talk 
Who is under the dome? A global demographic survey of planetarians / Sermeus, Jan ; Salimpour, Saeed
Talk presented at AstroEdu Conference, Toronto, Canada on 2023-05-11 [CTALK-2024-0001]
Conf. Talk 
Can you eat numbers? Increasing the motivation for maths through the use of philosophical dialogue / Verschoren, Veerle ; Sermeus, Jan ; et al
Talk presented at EAPRIL - European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning on 2021-11-24 [CTALK-2023-0071]
Conf. Talk 
Learn to think: developing a teaching method to enhance critical thinking in the first stage of secondary education / De Schrijver, Jelle ; Van den Broeck, Laura ; et al
Talk presented at EAPRIL - European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning on 2021-11-24 [CTALK-2023-0070]
Conf. Poster 
From thinking to doing through dialogue: designing a pedagogical strategy for STEM / Sermeus, Jan ; Balck, Christel ; et al
Poster presented at GIREP conference 2022 on 2022-07-06 [POSTER-2023-0029]
Conf. Talk 
What’s the difference between knowing and believing? Philosophical dialogues to tackle sensitive topics in the science classroom. / De Schrijver, Jelle ; Sermeus, Jan ; et al
Talk presented at IHPST International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching on 2022-07-07 [CTALK-2023-0069]

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