| Conf. Poster Retrievals of Exo-Venuses with Planetary and Exoplanetary Radiative Transfer Models
/ Pereira, Nuno ; Robert, Séverine ; et al
Poster presented at Exoplanets-5, Leiden, Netherlands on 2024-06-19
| Science Article (Ref.) Facility for the radiometric characterization of space-based visible-near infrared detectors
/ Cisneros-González, M.E. ; Bolsée, D. ; Pereira, N. ; Van Laeken, L. ; et al
published in Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 9 issue 3, pp. 036001-036001 (2023)
| Conf. Talk Validation tests of the calibration bench for the characterization of MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR detectors
/ Cisneros-González, Miriam ; Bolsée, David ; et al
Talk presented at EPSC-DPS2019-551, Geneva, Switzerland on 2019-09-15
| Conf. Poster Design of the calibration facility for the characterization of MAJIS/JUICE VIS-NIR detectors
/ Cisnero-González, Míriam ; Bolsée, David ; et al
Poster presented at International Satellite Program in Research and Education (INSPIRE) workshop - Paris on 2018-08-27
| Science Article On-orbit degradation of recent space-based solar instruments and understanding of the degradation processes
/ Meftah, Mustapha ; Dominique, Marie ; BenMoussa, Ali ; Dammasch, Ingolf ; et al
published in Proceedings of the SPIE, 10196 issue 1019606 (2017)
| Science Article (Ref.) Multi-instrument observations of the solar eclipse on 20 March 2015 and its effects on the plasmasphere and ionosphere over Belgium and Europe
/ Stankov, S.M. ; Bergeot, N. ; Berghmans, D. ; Bolsée, D. ; et al
published in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 7 issue A19