| Active region jets on August 25, 2011
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina ; Jebaraj, Immanuel Christopher ; et al
Talk presented at Solar Wind 15, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-19
| Science Article (Ref.) LOFAR observations of the quiet solar corona
/ Vocks, Christian ; Mann, Gottfried ; Bisi, Mario M. ; Dabrowski, Bartosz ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 614, pp. A54 (2018)
| New Capabilities of the Humain Radio-Astronomy Station
/ Martínez Picar, Antonio ; Marqué, Christophe ; et al
Talk presented at 17th RHESSI Workshop, Dublin, Ireland on 2018-06-22
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Constraining CMEs and Shocks by Observations and Modelling throughout the inner heliosphere
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina
Invited talk presented at European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM) 15, Budapest, Hungary on 2017-09-07
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Radio Observations and Space Weather
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina
Invited talk presented at XXXIInd International Union of Radio Science (URSI) General Assembly & Scientific Symposium, Montreal, Canada on 2017-08-22
| Conf. Poster Building SPADE - Status Update
/ Martínez Picar, Antonio ; Marqué, Christophe ; et al
Poster presented at International Workshop on Solar, Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Radioastronomy - Meudon, France on 2017-11-06
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Radio observations and Space Weather Research
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina
Invited talk presented at The 4th AOSWA Workshop 2016, Jeju, South Korea on 2016-10-25
| Conf. Talk Fine structure of a type II radio burst observed by LOFAR
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina ; Marque, Christophe ; et al
Talk presented at CESRA 2016: Solar radio physics from the chromosphere to near Earth, Orléans, France on 2016-06-14
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Radio observations and Space Weather Research
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina
Invited talk presented at The 4 th AOSWA Workshop 2016, Jeju, South Korea on 2016-10-25
| Conf. Talk Belgian Space Weather sevices by SIDC
/ Magdalenic, Jasmina ; SW Forecasters
Talk presented at The 4th AOSWA Workshop 2016, Jeju, South Korea on 2016-10-24