| Conf. Talk An overview of the contribution of the Royal Observatory of Belgium to the SUMER/IRIS/GBOs/Hinode HOP 334 campaign
/ Dolla, L ; Kraaikamp, E ; et al
Talk presented at STCE annual meeting, Uccle, Belgium on 2017-06-08
| Conf. Talk An overview of the contribution of the Royal Observatory of Belgium to the SUMER/IRIS/GBOs/Hinode HOP 334 campaign
/ Dolla, L ; Kraaikamp, E ; et al
Talk presented at EUI consortium meeting, Uccle, Belgium on 2017-06-01
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Challenges of automatic detection algorithms for solar physics images
/ Bourgoignie, Bram ; Berghmans, David ; et al
Invited talk presented at STCE Workshop - Automatic detection of events in radio data, Ukkel on 2013-05-31
| Conf. Poster Online demo of Solar Demon
/ Kraaikamp, E. ; Verbeeck, C.
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 13, Oostende, Belgium, November 14-18, 2016 on 2016-11-16
| Conf. Poster Dimmings as a magnetic footprint of coronal mass ejections
/ Thompson, B. ; Allred, J.C ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 13, Oostende, Belgium, November 14-18, 2016 on 2016-11-15
| Seminar Virtual machines and data processing in the Solar Orbiter EUI Data Centre
/ Kraaikamp, Emil
Seminar presented at ROB on 2016-06-17
| Conf. Talk Solar Demon - automated detection of flares, dimmings and EUV waves in near real-time on SDO/AIA
/ Kraaikamp, Emil ; Verbeeck, Cis
Talk presented at Modern data-analysis in Solar Physics on 2016-01-08
| Conf. Poster Solar Demon: Detecting Flares, Dimmings, and EUV waves in near real-time on SDO-AIA images
/ Kraaikamp, E. ; Verbeeck, C.
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 12, Oostende, Belgium on 2015-11-xx
| Conf. Poster Solar Demon: detecting Flares, Dimmings, and EUV waves in near real-time on SDO-AIA images
/ Kraaikamp, E.
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 12, Oostende, Belgium on 2015-11-xx
| Conf. Talk Solar Demon: detecting flares, dimmings, and EUV waves in near real-time on SDO/AIA images
/ Kraaikamp, E. ; Verbeeck, C.
Talk presented at European Space Weather Week 12, Oostende, Belgium on 2015-11-xx