Space Pole Publications Server 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
Analysis of H/V spectral ratio curves from passive seismic data acquired on glaciers worldwide / Govoorts, Julien ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-18 [POSTER-2024-0061]
Conf. Poster 
Performance of SmartSolo Seismic Nodes in Seismological, Environmental and Geophysical research / Van Noten, Koen ; Zeckra, Martin ; et al
Poster presented at British Seismology Meeting, Reading, UK on 2024-03-25 [POSTER-2024-0060]
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Science Article 
Exploring ice-water-rock interactions underneath the Vatnajökull ice sheet (Iceland) with seismic noise / Govoorts, Julien ; Caudron, Corentin ; Van Noten, Koen ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
published in Geologica Belgica, 26 issue 3-4, pp. 220-221 (2023) [SCART-2024-0034]
Conf. Poster 
Performance of SmartSolo Seismic Nodes for Seismological, Environmental and Shallow Geothermal research / Van Noten, Koen ; Zeckra, Martin ; et al
Poster presented at AGU23 San Francisco USA on 2023-12-12 [POSTER-2023-0050]
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Caractérisation des interactions à la base de la calotte du Vatnajökull à partir de méthodes sismiques passives. / Govoorts, Julien [THESIS-2023-0004]

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