| Science Article (Ref.) How does the solar chromospheric activity look like under different inclination angles ?
/ Vanden Broeck, G. ; Bechet, S. ; Rauw, G. ; Clette, F.
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2024)
| Conf. Poster The plage time series from various viewing angles : impact on temporal modulation detection
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; et al
Poster presented at Cool Stars 22 - online on 2024-06-24
| Conf. Poster Effect of the inclination angle of the solar rotation axis on disk-resolved indices from full-disk solar images in the Ca II K line
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Poster presented at International Astronomical Union General Assembly 2024 - Cape Town, South Africa on 2024-08-13
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Relationship between TIGRE solar S-index and USET Ca II K full disk images
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; Clette, Frédéric ; Rauw, Gregor ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, pp. A95 (2024)
| Seminar Long-term evolution of large-scale magnetic structures on USET images
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2023-06-09
Files: PPTX; |
| Seminar Long-term evolution of large-scale magnetic structures on USET images
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2021-11-10
Files: PPTX; |
| Conf. Talk Effect of the inclination angle of solar rotation axis on Ca II K structures using direct solar observations
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Talk presented at Triennial Earth-Sun Summit, Dallas, United States on 2024-04-09
Files: PPTX; |
| Conf. Talk Comparison of the magnetic structures in full-disk solar Ca II K images and Sun-as-a-star S-Index
/ Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
Talk presented at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany on 2023-07-13
Files: PPTX; |
| Dataset USET whole-disk images - L0
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
| Dataset USET daily sunspot drawings (photosphere)
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al