| Outreach Talk De ESA JUICE-missie naar de ijsmanen van Jupiter
/ Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at KWB Herent on 2024-02-02
| Outreach Talk De Galileïsche manen van Jupiter
/ Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at wetenschapscafé Antwerpen on 2024-12-18
| Outreach Talk The JUICE mission and the icy moons of Jupiter
/ Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at Lunch@ROB on 2024-04-22
| Outreach Talk Verkenning van oceanen in Jupiters ijsmanen met de JUICE-sonde
/ Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at Lessen voor de XXIe eeuw: Wetenschap voor een nieuwe wereld on 2024-03-11
| Book Section Verkenning van oceanen in Jupiters ijsmanen met de JUICE-sonde
/ Van Hoolst, Tim
| Science Article (Ref.) Geophysical characterization of the interiors of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa by ESA’s JUpiter ICy moons Explore
/ Van Hoolst, Tim ; et, al
published in Space Science Reviews, 220 issue 53, pp. 1-73 (2024)
| Conf. Talk Implications of Mercury's core composition on its libration and present-day thermal state
/ Rivoldini, Attilio ; Van Hoolst, Tim
Talk presented at EPSC 2024, Berlin, Germany on 2024-09-11
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk Cassini States of the Galilean satellites
/ Coyette, Alexis ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Talk presented at 22nd Meeting of the FNRS Contact Group Astronomie & Astrophysique / Astronomy Day of the Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-05-23
| Seminar Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites
/ Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Seminar presented at GALA Meeting on 2024-10-25
| Seminar Cassini State : Europa & Ganymede
/ Baland, Rose-Marie ; Coyette, Alexis ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-07-05