| Conf. Talk Progress made by ROB since 1st workshop
/ Vanneste, Kris ; Van Noten, Koen
Talk presented at Workshop on ground motions of the 1992 Roermond earthquake, online on 2024-06-19
| Science Article (Ref.) The damaging 1932 Uden Earthquake in the Netherlands – revision of cross-border macroseismic data and its impact on source parameters
/ Dost, Bernard ; Neefs, Ben ; Van Noten, Koen ; Ruigrok, Elmer
published in Journal of Seismology (2025)
Files: PNG; |
| Science Article GeoCamb – Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings. Final Report
/ Petitclercq, E. ; Van Noten, Koen ; Van Lysebetten, G. ; Van der Veken, J. ; et al
published in Brussels: Belgian Science Policy Office 2024. BRAIN-be 2.0 - (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks), pp. 108 (2024)
Files: GeoCamb Final Report - JPG; BRAIN-be 2.0 GeoCamb FinalReport 2024 - PDF; |
| Conf. Poster Pumping tests and hydrogeological characteristics of the Cambrian aquifer in the Belgian Brabant provinces for geothermal potential
/ Walraevens, Kristine ; Yenehun, Alemu ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Poster L’importance du sismomètre d’Eben-Emael. Het belang van de seismometer van Eben-Emael. The importance of the Eben-Emael seismometer.
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Collin, Fabienne ; et al
Poster presented at Permanent poster in the Seismometer Exhibition room in the Fort Eben-Emael on 2024-06-28
Files: EBN_SEISMO-the_EBN_seismometer - PDF; EBN_SEISMO-the_EBN_seismometer poster - PNG; |
| Seminar De seismometer van Eben-Emael. Le sismomètre d’Eben-Emael.
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Lecocq, Thomas
Seminar presented at Eben-Emael Gidsendag–Journée des guides - Fort Eben-Emael on 2024-02-24
Files: EBN Gidsendag opleiding - JPG; EBN Gidsendag 20240224 - PDF; |
| Outreach Article The skyscraper-sized tsunami that vibrated through the entire planet and no one saw
/ Hicks, S. ; Svennevig, K. ; Lecocq, T. ; Van Noten, K.
published in The Conversation, 12/09/2024 (2024)
| Press Rel. Seismic Activity in/around Belgium in 2024
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Lecocq, Thomas ; et al
Files: PNG; |
| Press Rel. Permanent exhibition on seismology at Fort Eben-Emael
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Frederick, B. ; et al
Files: JPG; |
| Ambient seismic noise campaign to measure site effects of Lixouri and the Paliki peninsula, Kefalonia, Greece
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Sakellariou, Nikolaos ; et al
Files: JPG; |