Space Pole Publications Server 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D5.5: Report on the evaluation of forecasting tools / Dalla, S. ; Vrsnak, B. ; Dierckxsens, M. ; Crosby, N. B. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1089]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D5.3: Tool for forecasting ICME arrival time and speed / Vrsnak, B. ; Zic, T. ; Calders, Stijn ; Rollett, T. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1088]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D2.3: Scientific report of the research results of Task 2.3 “Testing and comparison of ICME propagation models” / Vrsnak, B. ; Zic, T. ; Rollett, T. ; Dumbovic, M. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1082]
Science Article 
COMESEP Deliverable D2.2: Scientific report of the research results of Task 2.2 “Three-dimensional ICME kinematics and evolution” / Möstl, Christian ; Rodriguez, L. ; Rollett, T. ; Vennerstrom, S. ; et al
published in Internal COMESEP report (2013) [SIDCimport-1080]
Conf. Poster 
Heliospheric propagation of ICMEs: The Drag-Based Model / Vrsnak, B. ; Zic, T. ; et al
Poster presented at Tenth European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, November 18-22, 2013. on 2013-11-xx [SIDCimport-1029]
Conf. Poster 
Strong coronal deflection of a CME and its interplanetary evolution to Earth and Mars / Möstl, Christian ; Rollett, T. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly on 2015-xx-xx [SIDCimport-636]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Strong coronal channeling and interplanetary Q1 evolution of a solar storm up to the Earth and the Mars / Möstl, Christian ; Rollett, T. ; Frahm, R.A. ; Liu, Ying D. ; et al
published in Nature Communications, 6 (2015) 10.1038/ncomms8135 [SIDCimport-610]

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