| Conf. Poster Ground- and space-based investigation of the intermediate-age open star cluster NGC 2126
/ Dileep, Athul ; Joshi, Santosh ; et al
Poster presented at TESS8/KASC15 Workshop, Porto, Portugal on 2024-07-15
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| Science Article (Ref.) The pulsating variable HD 118660 through the magnifying glass of asteroseismology. TESS photometry
/ Sarkar, Mrinmoy ; Joshi, Santosh ; Dupret, Marc-Antoine ; Trust, Otto ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534 issue 4, pp. 3211--3220 (2024)
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| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Variability in chemically peculiar stars and open star clusters
/ Dileep, Athul ; Joshi, Santosh ; et al
Invited talk presented at 1-day BINA Meeting "Evaluation and future prospects of the Indo-Belgian collaboration", Brussels, Belgium on 2023-10-10
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| Science Article (Ref.) TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data
/ Holdsworth, D. L. ; Cunha, M. S. ; Lares-Martiz, M. ; Kurtz, D. W. ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 issue 4, pp. 9548--9580 (2024)
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| Conf. Poster Updated modelling of the oscillating eclipsing binary AS Eri
/ Lampens, P. ; Mkrtichian, D. ; et al
Poster presented at TASC6/KASC13 Workshop "Asteroseismology in the era of surveys from space and the ground: stars, planets, and the milky way", Leuven, Belgium on 2022-07-11
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| Conf. Talk Updated modelling of the oscillating eclipsing binary system AS Eri
/ Lampens, P. ; Mkrtichian, D. ; et al
Talk presented at NOT - A Telescope For the Future, June 2022 in Santa Cruz de La Palma, La Palma, Spain on 2022-06-08
| Science Article (Ref.) Updated modelling and refined absolute parameters of the oscillating eclipsing binary AS Eri
/ Lampens, P. ; Mkrtichian, D. ; Lehmann, H. ; Gunsriwiwat, K. ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, pp. 917 - 925 (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) Study of Chemically Peculiar Stars-I : High-resolution Spectroscopy and K2 Photometry of Am Stars in the Region of M44
/ Joshi, S. ; Trust, O. ; Semenko, E. ; Williams, P.E. ; et al
published in Monthy Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, pp. 5854--5871 (2022)
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| Science Article The pulsation spectrum of a mass-accreting component of AS Eri
/ Mkrtichian, D. ; Gunsriwiwat, K. ; Engelbrecht, C. ; A-thano, N. ; et al
published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Stars and their Variability Observed from Space, pp. 113-114 (2020)
| Science Article (Ref.) A spectroscopic survey of oEA stars
/ Mkrtichian, D. ; Engelbrecht, C. ; Lampens, P. ; Lehmann, H. ; et al
published in Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 88 issue October 2019, pp. 256-261 (2019)