| Seminar Regards synergétiques sur l'intérieur profond de la Terre.
/ Mandea, M. ; Cazenave, A. ; et al
Seminar presented at Conference at the Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, France on 2024-02-07
| Conf. Talk GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth.
/ Dehant, V. ; Mandea, M. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall meeting 2023, Session G005 `Earth's Deep Interior Seen by Gravity, Magnetic and Earth's Rotation Observations', Abstract Id. 1299928, DI01-03 on 2024-01-23
| Conf. Poster GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth.
/ Dehant, V. ; Mandea, M. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall meeting 2023, Session G005 `Earth's Deep Interior Seen by Gravity, Magnetic and Earth's Rotation Observations', Abstract Id. 1299928, DI01-03, San Francisco, United States on 2023-12-11
| Conf. Talk Are internal and external geodynamics linked at a 6-year period?
/ Pfeffer, J. ; Cazenave, A.A. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall meeting 2023, Session G005 `Earth's Deep Interior Seen by Gravity, Magnetic and Earth's Rotation Observations', Abstract Id. 4388237, DI21A-03, San Francisco, United States on 2023-12-11
| Conf. Talk A 6-year cycle in the length of day and in the surface fluid envelopes.
/ Cazenave, A.A. ; Pfeffer, J. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall meeting 2023, Session G004 `Climate and geophysical fluid signals in Earth rotation parameters - variability and prediction', Abstract Id. 1279531, G34A-01, San Francisco, United States on 2023-12-11
| Conf. Talk Detections of a 6-year cycle in the Earth system.
/ Pfeffer, J. ; Cazenave, A. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU General Assembly, Session G6.1 - Open Session in Geodesy with a Focus on Satellite Altimetry, EGU23-7746, Vienna, Austria and Virtual on 2023-04-25
| Science Article (Ref.) A 6-year cycle in the Earth system.
/ Pfeffer, J. ; Cazenave, A. ; Rosat, S. ; Moreira, L. ; et al
published in Global and Planetary Change, 229, pp. 104245 (2023)
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) ESD Ideas: A 6-year oscillation in the whole Earth system?
/ Cazenave, A. ; Pfeffer, J. ; Mandea, M. ; Dehant, V.
published in Earth Syst. Dynam., (4), , DOI: 10.5194/esd-14-733-2023 and DOI: ., 14 issue 4, pp. 733-735 (2023)
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) ESD Ideas: A 6-year oscillation in the whole Earth system?
/ Cazenave, A. ; Pfeffer, J. ; Mandea, M. ; Dehant, V.
published in EGUsphere ESD Ideas (2023)
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk A 6-7 year cycle in the Earth System.
/ Cazenave, A. ; Pfeffer, J. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA on 2022-12-13