| Conf. Poster EUI onboard Solar Orbiter: unique data for high resolution, far corona and connection science
/ Verbeeck, Cis ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Poster presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-09
| Conf. Talk High-Resolution Observations from the Solar Orbiter Major Flare SOOP Campaign: Insights from X-ray and Fast Cadence EUV Observations of Solar Flares
/ Hayes, Laura ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin on 2024-09-12
| Spectroscopic measurements from Solar Orbiter Full Disk Mosaic
/ Guinta, Alessandra ; Fludra, Andrzej ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin, Italy on 2024-09-12
| Waves in coronal structures up to 1 Rsun?
/ Berghmans, David ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Talk presented at 17th European Solar Physics Meeting on 2024-09-10
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Observing flares with EUI
/ Berghmans, David ; Kraaikamp, Emil
Invited talk presented at STIX meeting, Paris on 2024-06-05
Files: KEY.PDF; |
| Conf. Poster How can EUI data help your research?
/ Verbeeck, C. ; Berghmans, D. ; et al
Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA on 2024-04-09
| Conf. Poster EUI HRI-EUV in-flight calibration challenges
/ Kraaikamp, Emil ; Gissot, Samuel ; et al
Poster presented at EclipseSA - Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting , San Antonio, Texas, US on 2024-04-08
| Press Rel. The Sun's fluffy corona in exquisite detail
/ Henke, Jans ; Kraaikamp, Emil ; et al
| Conf. Poster Statistical study of fine scale Extreme-UV quiet Sun brightenings: Closest Perihelion observations of the quiet solar corona with SolO/EUI
/ Narang, Nancy ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Poster presented at EclipseSA: Joint SolO, PSP & DKIST Meeting , San Antonio, Texas, US on 2024-04-08
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| Conf. Poster EUI High Resolution Observations of Decayless Oscillations
/ Berghmans, D. ; Lim, D. ; et al
Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting, San Antonio, Texas on 2024-04-08
Files: PDF; |