| Conf. Poster The Belgian Seismic Noise Model
/ Lecocq, T. ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
| A geophysical database for Belgium
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Scherps, E. ; et al
Talk presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12
| Nodal urban seismology for society
/ Van Noten, Koen ; De Plaen, Raphael ; et al
Talk presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-26
| MSNoise 2.0 - what's new?
/ Lecocq, T. ; De Plaen, R. ; et al
Poster presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-23
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Enigmatic very long period monochromatic seismic signals ring the Earth for 9 days after rockfalls and tsunamis in a Greenland fjord
/ Mordret, A. ; Svennevig, K. ; et al
Invited talk presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-26
| Science Article (Ref.) A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days
/ Svennevig, K. ; Hicks, S.P. ; Forbriger, T. ; Lecocq, T. ; et al
published in Science, 385, pp. 1196–1205 (2024)
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk The seismic signature of skiing
/ Igel, Heiner ; Brass, Sophie ; et al
Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-17
| Science Article Bepaling van de sokkeldiepte van het Brabant Massief met behulp van seismische ruismetingen ter hoogte van de Bospoortbrug te Halle
/ Van Noten, Koen ; De Plaen, Raphael
published in Expertiserapport ROB-DVW 2024-01. Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België, Ukkel., pp. 34 (2024)
| Conf. Talk Standortcharakterisierung der Permanentstationen im belgischen, seismologischen Netzwerk (BE) mithilfe von SmartSolo 3-Kanal Geophonen
/ Zeckra, Martin ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Talk presented at AG Seismologie 2023, Freiburg, Germany on 2023-09-26
| Science Article (Ref.) Integration of microseism, wavemeter buoy, HF radar and hindcast data to analyze the Mediterranean cyclone Helios
/ Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; De Plaen, R. ; Lecocq, T. ; et al
published in Ocean Science, 20, pp. 1-20 (2024)