Space Pole Publications Server 54 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fiber-optic sensing for environmental seismology and energy applications / Patzel, J. ; Govoorts, J. ; et al
Poster presented at Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium on 2024-09-12 [POSTER-2024-0083]
MSNoise 2.0 - what's new? / Lecocq, T. ; De Plaen, R. ; et al
Poster presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-23 [POSTER-2024-0079]
Science Article (Ref.) 
A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days / Svennevig, K. ; Hicks, S.P. ; Forbriger, T. ; Lecocq, T. ; et al
published in Science, 385, pp. 1196–1205 (2024) 10.1126/science.adm9247 [SCART-2024-0158]
Files: PDF;
Conf. Poster 
Analysis of H/V spectral ratio curves from passive seismic data acquired on glaciers worldwide / Govoorts, Julien ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-18 [POSTER-2024-0061]
Conf. Talk 
Seismic Monitoring of Fagradalsfjall Volcano, Iceland: Insights from the 2021-2023 Eruptions and Implications for Future Monitoring / Jonsdottir, K. ; Barsotti, S. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco on 2023-12-10 [CTALK-2024-0062]
Conf. Talk 
Investigation of Tremor Events Coinciding with Skaftár-Cauldrons Glacial Floods from 2015 to 2021 / Vanderhoof, B. ; Jónsdóttir, K. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU Vienna on 2023-04-10 [CTALK-2024-0061]
Conf. Talk 
Managing the progressive awakening of Karthala volcano (Comoros Archipelago) after 14 years of quiescence: lessons learned from a long phase (2021-2023) of unrest / Di Muro, A. ; Toiwilou, H. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU Vienna on 2023-04-10 [CTALK-2024-0060]
Conf. Talk 
Towards monitoring volcanic hydrothermal alteration using geophysical approaches / Caudron, C. ; Lecocq, T. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU Vienna on 2023-04-10 [CTALK-2024-0058]
Conf. Talk 
Towards monitoring phreatic eruptions using seismic noise / Caudron, C. ; Girona, T. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU Vienna on 2023-04-10 [CTALK-2024-0057]
Conf. Talk 
Fiber-optic Monitoring of a Volcanic Eruption: Fagradalsfjall, Iceland / Sabuncu, Y.C. ; Fichtner, A. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting, Puerto Rico on 2022-12-10 [CTALK-2024-0055]

Space Pole Publications Server : 54 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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2 Caudron, C
1 Caudron, Caudron
18 Caudron, Corentin
18 Caudron, Corentin
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