| Science Article (Ref.) Core Eigenmodes and their Impact on the Earth's Rotation
/ Triana, Santiago A. ; Dumberry, Mathieu ; Cébron, David ; Vidal, Jérémie ; et al
published in Surveys in Geophysics, 43 issue 1, pp. 107-148 (2022)
| Steady flows in the core of precessing planets: effects of the geometry and a uniform magnetic field.
/ Houliez, Aymeric ; Laguerre, Raphael ; et al
Poster presented at American Geophysical Union on 2020-12-16
| Science Article (Ref.) Precessing spherical shells: flows, dissipation, dynamo and the lunar core.
/ Cébron, David ; Laguerre, Rapahel ; Noir, Jerome ; Schaeffer, Nathanael
published in Geophysical Journal International, 217 issue 2, pp. 926-949 (2019)
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