Space Pole Publications Server 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentic Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Abbeel, F. ; Adams, J. ; Aguirre, S. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 64752, pp. 5 (2009) [ASTROimport-1059]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentric Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Allen, B. ; Apitzsch, R. ; Argentin, Y. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 66688, pp. 3 (2009) [ASTROimport-1047]
Science Article 
Minor Planet Observations [244 Geocentic Occultation Observations] / Herald, D. ; Abbeel, F. ; Allen, B. ; Anderson, P. ; et al
published in Minor Planet Circulars, 64483, pp. 12 (2008) [ASTROimport-710]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The PHEMU97 catalogue of observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter / Arlot, J.-E. ; Thuillot, W. ; Ruatti, C. ; Akasawa, H. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 451, pp. 733-737 (2006) 10.1051/0004-6361:20054325 [ASTROimport-198]

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