Home > Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters > Preliminary results from Solar Orbiter "Eruption Watch" campaigns |
Sasso, Clementina ; Landini, Federico ; Russano, Giuliana ; Auchere, Frédéric ; Berghmans, David ; Buchlin, Éric ; Hirzberger, Johann ; Hess, Phil ; Krucker, Säm ; Orozco Suárez, David ; Parenti, Susanna ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; Strecker, Hanna ; Valori, Gherardo ; Vourlidas, Angelos ; De Groof, Anik ; Williams, David
Poster presented at 32nd General Assembly International Union (IAUGA 2024), Capetown, South Africa on 2024-08-01
Abstract: We present preliminary results obtained in different Solar Orbiter coordination campaigns aimed to catch eruptive events. These campaigns involve all the remote sensing instruments on-board the spacecraft so to have the opportunity to follow the eruption from the onset till the outer corona. We want to perform a statistical analysis on the observed events and investigate the physical and dynamical properties of at least one case study eruption.
Keyword(s): Solar Orbiter ; EUI ; eruptions
Links: link
The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence