Home > Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Invited Talks > The Present and Future of EUV Observations of the Corona on Large Scales |
Seaton, D. ; Alzate, N. ; Berghmans, D. ; Caspi, A. ; D’Huys, E. ; Golub, L. ; Hurlburt, N. ; Mason, J. ; Rachmeler, L. ; Savage, S. ; Tadikonda, S. ; West, M.
Invited talk presented at L5 Consortium Meeting, Palo Alto (US) on 2019-10-03
Abstract: Until recently, extreme ultraviolet solar coronal imagers have generally focused on exploring the physics of the low corona, observing phenomena such as coronal loops, coronal holes, and solar flares below about 1.3 Rsun. In the past decade, however, imagers such as PROBA2/SWAP and GOES/SUVI have arrived with both larger fields of view and the ability to off-point to observe out to heights greater than two Rsun. Observations from this new generation of imagers have revealed both the surprising visibility of the EUV corona to large heights, and the complex structure and dynamics of this poorly explored region sometimes referred to as the middle corona. Additional imagers, both proposed and in active development, such as Solar Orbiter/EUI, COSIE, SunCET, and others, promise to further advance the boundaries of our understanding of the corona and its large-scale connections to the heliosphere. These new imagers offer the opportunity for considerable progress in our understanding of a hard to observe region where it is thought the solar wind is accelerated, where stored magnetic energy is released during solar eruptions, and where the interplay between both magnetically and gas dynamics dominated plasma gives the corona its large-scale shape. In this talk we discuss both current and prospective EUV observations of the corona on large scales and their value for science. We discuss the benefits and limitations of EUV observations in contrast to visible light coronagraphic observations, as well as some particularly unique opportunities for both research and operational observations of the large scale EUV corona from L5.
Keyword(s): EUV ; corona
Links: link; link2
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Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Invited Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence