Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Using a small phased array for meteor observations |
Martínez Picar, Antonio ; Marqué, Christophe
published in Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference Petnica, Serbia, 21-24 September, 2017, pp. 85-87
Abstract: A prototype of a phased array of 8 elements is being built at the Humain Radio-Astronomy Station by the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The main goal of this instrument is monitoring the solar activity in the band of 20–80 MHz using Software Defined Radio receivers and employing beam- forming techniques to track the Sun. However, because the operation frequency of the BRAMS forward-scatter system lies within the frequency range of such an array, an appealing window of opportunity opens for meteor science as well. In this paper we explore the possibility of using the expected capabilities of the Small Phased Array Demonstrator to register radio meteor echoes.
Keyword(s): radio-astronomy ; phased array
Note: ISBN 978-2-87355-031-8
The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence