Ref: SCART-2018-0028

Times of Minima of 116 eclipsing binary systems (2010-2015)

Lampens, P. ; Van Cauteren, P. ; Ayiomamitis, A. ; Kleidis, S. ; Panagiatopoulos, K. ; Vanleenhove, M. ; Hambsch, J. ; Hautecler, H. ; Van Wassenhove, J. ; Vermeylen, L.

in press to IBVS, 6230, pp. 1 (2018)

Abstract: We present 201 times of CCD photometric minima collected from observing sites in Belgium and Greece during the years 2010 till 2015 for 116 eclipsing binary systems.

Keyword(s): CCD photometry ; Binaries: eclipsing

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles

 Record created 2018-01-26, last modified 2018-01-26