Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Synergies between spectroscopic and asteroseismic surveys |
Fu, J. ; De Cat, P. ; Ren, A.-B. ; Yang, X.-H. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Corbally, C. J. ; Frasca, A. ; Gray, R. O. ; Cecylia Molenda-Zakowicz, J. ; Shi, J.-R. ; Ali, L. ; Zhang, H.
published in IAU General Assembly, 22, pp. 2255363 (2015)
Abstract: The NASA Kepler satellite has provided unprecedented high duty-cycle, high-precision light curves for a large number of stars by continuously monitoring a field of view in Cygnus-Lyra region, leading to great progress in both discovering exoplanets and characterizing planet-hosting stars by means of asteroseismic methods. The asteroseismic survey allows the investigation of stars covering the whole H-R diagram. However, the low precision of effective temperatures and surface gravities in the KIC10 catalogue and the lack of information on chemical composition, metallicity and rotation rate prevent asteroseismic modeling, requiring spectroscopic observations for thousands of asteroseismic targets in the Kepler field in a homogeneous way.In 2010, we initiated the LAMOST-Kepler project which aimed at collecting low-resolution spectra for as many objects from the KIC10 catalogue as possible, with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), a 4-m telescope equipped with 4,000 optical fibers. The first round of observations has been completed in fall 2014, covering all the 14 sub-fields at least once, resulting in more than 100,000 low-resolution spectra. The stellar atmospheric parameters are then derived and the results have been confirmed to be consistent with those reported in the literature based on high-resolution spectroscopy.
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