Ref: ASTROimport-257

Photometry of High-Amplitude Delta Scuti Stars in 2014

Wils, P. ; Hambsch, F.-J. ; Vanleenhove, M. ; Lampens, P. ; Van Cauteren, P. ; van de Stadt, I. ; Pickard, R. D. ; Van Wassenhove, J. ; Baillien, A. ; Dubois, F. ; Logie, L. ; Rau, S. ; Vanaverbeke, S. ; Nieuwenhout, F. ; Benavides Palencia, R. ; Robertson, C. W. ; Ayiomamitis, A. ; Gonzalez Carballo, J.-L. ; Kantola, T.

published in Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 6150, pp. 1 (2015)

Abstract: The 409 maxima of 70 High-Amplitude Delta Scuti Stars observed in 2014 are presented. GSC 2610-0035 was found to have at least one non-radial mode. GSC 3851-0240 was found to be a double-mode HADS. Period changes were found in three stars, among which one is a multiperiodic variable.

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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles

 Record created 2016-07-01, last modified 2016-07-01