Space Pole Publications Server 157 records found  beginprevious145 - 154next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The new Sunspot Number in focus / Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
Seminar presented at SWPC, NOAA, Boulder, USA on 2016-09-22 [SEMIN-2017-0025]
Conf. Talk 
A threatened future? The experience of WDC-SILSO / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at SciDataCon 2016, Denver, USA on 2016-09-13 [CTALK-2017-0083]
Conf. Poster 
WDC-SILSO: a full modernization of the multi-century sunspot record / Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
Poster presented at SciDataCon 2016, Wrold Data System Forum, Denver, USA on 2017-09-14 [POSTER-2017-0034]
Conf. Talk 
WDC-SILSO: An unprecedented modernization of the sunspot record / Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
Talk presented at SciDataCon 2016, Denver, USA on 2017-09-12 [CTALK-2017-0082]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
The new Sunspot Number in focus / Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
Invited talk presented at Space Climate Symposium 6, Levi, Finland on 2016-04-04 [CTALK-2017-0081]
Outreach Talk 
The new Sunspot Number: 400 years of solar activity revisited / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Volkssterrenwacht URANIA on 2016-02-18 [OUTRTLK-2017-0019]
Outreach Talk 
L’histoire du cycle solaire revisitée: Un nouvel indice des taches solaires / Clette, Frédéric
Talk presented at Seminar, Centre Spatial de Liège on 2016-02-19 [OUTRTLK-2017-0018]
Conf. Poster 
Uncertainties in the Sunspot Number / Lefèvre, Laure ; Dudok de With, Thierry ; et al
Poster presented at Space Climate 6 Levi Finland on 2016-04-04 [POSTER-2017-0001]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Detailed Analysis of Solar Data Related to Historical Extreme Geomagnetic Storms: 1868 - 2010 / Lefèvre, Laure ; Vennerstrøm, Susanne ; Dumbović, Mateja ; Vršnak, Bojan ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 291 issue 5, pp. 1483-1531 (2016) 10.1007/s11207-016-0892-3 [SCART-2017-0013]
Science Article 
Comparison of New and Old Sunspot Number Time Series / Cliver, Edward W. ; Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure ; Svalgaard, Leif
published in American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #47, pp. 11.01 (2016) [SCART-2017-0012]

Space Pole Publications Server : 157 records found   beginprevious145 - 154next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
2 Clette, F
306 Clette, F.
306 Clette, F.
157 Clette, Frederic
157 Clette, Frederic
157 Clette, Frédéric
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