Space Pole Publications Server 113 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Press Rel. 
Soapbox Science 2023: women scientists take the floor at the heart of Brussels / Pham, L.B.S. ; Lefever, K. ; et al
Press Rel. 
JUICE: Exploring the Icy Moons of Jupiter / Baland, R.-M. ; Van Hoolst, T. ; et al
Press Rel. 
Soapbox Science 2024: female scientists take the floor at the heart of Brussels / Pham, L.B.S ; Jonas, C. ; et al
Science Article (Ref.) 
Soapbox Science Brussels: an Outreach Platform for the Promotion of Women in Science in Belgium / Pham, L.B.S. ; Bingen, C. ; Piccialli, A. ; Lamort, L. ; et al
published in Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana (MemSAIt), 95 issue 2, pp. 46-51 (2024) 10.36116/MEMSAIT_95N2.2024.46 [SCART-2025-0107]
Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites / Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie
Seminar presented at JUICE Cartography working group meeting on 2024-11-19 [SEMIN-2025-0007]
Spin Orientation of the Galilean Satellites / Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Seminar presented at GALA Meeting on 2024-10-25 [SEMIN-2025-0006]
Mars orientation and rotation angles / Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; et al
Seminar presented at CASSYNI Research seminars on 2024-01-26 [SEMIN-2025-0005]
Cassini State : Europa & Ganymede / Baland, Rose-Marie ; Coyette, Alexis ; et al
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2024-07-05 [SEMIN-2025-0004]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Librations and obliquity of the largest moons of Uranus / Baland, Rose-Marie ; Filice, Valerio ; Le Maistre, Sébastien ; Trinh, Antony ; et al
published in Icarus, 426 (2025) [SCART-2025-0014]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Comparison of Mars rotation angle models / Yseboodt, Marie ; Baland, Rose-Marie ; Le Maistre, Sébastien
published in IAU Symposium, 382, pp. 198-204 (2024) 10.1017/S174392132300409X [SCART-2025-0012]

Space Pole Publications Server : 113 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
55 Yseboodt, M.
55 Yseboodt, M.
1 Yseboodt, M.,
56 Yseboodt, Marie
56 Yseboodt, Marie
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