| Conf. Talk Evolution of shock waves and associated type II radio emission in the low corona and interplanetary space
/ Jebaraj, Immanuel.C; ; Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall meeting 2021 on 2021-12-16
| Science Article (Ref.) Coronal Conditions for the Occurrence of Type II Radio Bursts
/ Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; ; Rouillard, Alexis; ; Warmuth, Alexander; ; Magdalenic, Jasmina; ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal, 913 issue 2 (2021)
| Conf. Poster The first eruptions imaged by Solar Orbiter
/ D'Huys, E. ; Long, D. ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Solar Physics Meeting, Online on 2021-09-06
| Conf. Poster The eruption of 22 April 2021 as observed by Solar Orbiter, STEREO and Earth bound instruments
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Mierla, M. ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Solar Physics Meeting (online) on 2021-09-08