Space Pole Publications Server 126 records found  beginprevious117 - 126  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
STCE Newsletter / Vanlommel, Petra ; Janssens, Jan [PERIO-2017-0012]
Outreach Talk 
Zonnestorm op komst - nieuwe satellieten onderzoeken het onbekende / Vanlommel, Petra
Talk presented at MIRA volksterrenwacht, Grimbergen on 2016-12-10 [OUTRTLK-2017-0016]
Outreach Talk 
Regisseer je eigen zonnefilm / Bourgoignie, Bram ; Lemaitre, Olivier ; et al
Talk presented at Wetenschapsweek, planetarium on 2016-10-27 [OUTRTLK-2017-0015]
Outreach Talk 
Regisseer je eigen zonnefilm / Bourgoignie, Bram ; Lemaitre, Olivier ; et al
Talk presented at Wetenschapsweek, planetarium on 2016-10-25 [OUTRTLK-2017-0014]
Outreach Talk 
Naar de zon kijken / Vanlommel, Petra
Talk presented at HUJO vzw on 2016-07-04 [OUTRTLK-2017-0013]
Grasping the invisible - Fine structures in the solar corona / Vanlommel, Petra
Seminar presented at ROB on 2016-06-14 [SEMIN-2017-0008]
Outreach Talk 
Zon, zonnevlekken, proba2, zonnewind: quiz / Vanlommel, Petra ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Talk presented at PROBA2@school, klein-Seminarie, Hoogstraten, Belgium on 2016-03-24 [OUTRTLK-2017-0012]
Outreach Talk 
Zonnewind en plasmawolken / Vanlommel, Petra
Talk presented at PROBA2@school, Klein-Seminarie, Hoogstraten, Belgium on 2016-03-24 [OUTRTLK-2017-0011]
Outreach Talk 
Raket naar de Zon / Vanlommel, Petra
Talk presented at PROBA2@school, Klein-Seminarie, Hoogstraten, Belgium on 2016-03-24 [OUTRTLK-2017-0010]
Outreach Talk 
The job of a science communicator / Vanlommel, Petra
Talk presented at RMI, visit of school ZAVO Lier on 2016-03-04 [OUTRTLK-2017-0009]

Space Pole Publications Server : 126 records found   beginprevious117 - 126  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Vanlommel, P
102 Vanlommel, P.
1 Vanlommel, Petra (STCE)
125 Vanlommel, petra
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