| Conf. Poster Retrievals of Exo-Venuses with Planetary and Exoplanetary Radiative Transfer Models
/ Pereira, Nuno ; Robert, Séverine ; et al
Poster presented at Exoplanets-5, Leiden, Netherlands on 2024-06-19
| Outreach Article Het VAMOS project
/ Piccialli, Arianna ; Sermeus, Jan ; Lejoly, Simon ; Claes, Sandy ; et al
published in Science Connection, 71, pp. 24-27 (2024)
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| Conf. Poster Martian dust properties through NOMAD UVIS-LNO nadir datasets’ investigation: analysis update
/ Oliva, Fabrizio ; D'Aversa, Emiliano ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC Berlin on 2024-09-11
| Conf. Poster Near and mid-infrared reflectance spectra of Phobos with the ExoMars-TGO/NOMAD-LNO spectrometer
/ Ruiz Lozano, Luca ; Thomas, Ian ; et al
Poster presented at EPSC Berlin on 2024-09-11
| Martian dust and water cycle interactions inferred from NOMAD observations and semi-interactive GCM simulations
/ Karatekin, Özgür ; Senel, Cem ; et al
Talk presented at NOMAD SWT, Potenza, Italy on 2023-09-05
| Minimum Noise Fraction Analysis of TGO/NOMAD LNO Channel High-Resolution Nadir Spectra of Mars
/ Oliva, Fabrizio ; D’Aversa, Emiliano ; Bellucci, Giancarlo ; Carrozzo, Filippo Giacomo ; et al
published in Remote Sensing (2023)
| Science Article (Ref.) Observation of the Southern Polar cap during MY34-36 with ExoMars-TGO NOMAD LNO
/ Ruiz Lozano, Luca ; Oliva, Fabrizio ; Karatekin, Özgür ; Bellucci, Giancarlo ; et al
published in Icarus, Volume 410 issue Ices in the Solar System; origin, evolution and distribution (2024)
| Conf. Poster Ice clouds detection with NOMAD-LNO onboard ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
/ Ruiz Lozano, Luca ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2021, online on 2021-04-19
| Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
/ Vandaele, Ann Carine ; Korablev, Oleg ; Daerden, Frank ; Aoki, Shohei ; et al
published in Nature, 568 issue 7753, pp. 521-525 (2019)
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| Inversion of occultation observation of a dusty atmosphere using hypergeometric functions
/ Huber, Benoit ; Gérard, Jean-Claude ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2019 on 2019-12-09