| Outreach Article Le «big one», ce tremblement de terre hors norme qui va bientôt toucher Istanbul
/ Van Camp, Michel
published in Le Soir, 06-02-2023 (2023)
| Outreach RadioTV Journal Parlé 13:00
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on RTBF La Première on 2023-02-06
| Outreach RadioTV LN 24: émission spéciale séisme en Turquie 2023-02-06
/ Lecocq, Thomas ; Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on LN24 on 2023-02-06
| Outreach Article On pourrait atteindre les 10 000 morts
/ Van Camp, Michel
published in La Libre, 07/02/2023, pp. 4-5 (2023)
Files: PDF; |
| Outreach RadioTV Bel RTL Info 18-19 (live 18:20-18:40)
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on Bel-RTL on 2023-02-06
| Outreach RadioTV Matin Première 07:10 (en direct par téléphone)
/ Van Camp, Michel
Program broadcasted on RTBF La Première on 2023-02-07
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Introduction to the Earth Tides
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Francis, Olivier ; et al
Invited talk presented at IGRF Workshop 2022, Leipzig, Germany on 2022-04-12
| Science Article Zeespiegelstijging voor Vlaanderen: Vraag 2: Vertical land motions
/ Van Camp, Michel ; Gobron, Kevin ; Pattyn, Frank ; Huybrechts, Philippe
published in Expertise report, pp. 13 pp (2022)
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Poster The LASUGEO project: monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic
/ DEVLEESCHOUWER, Xavier ; CHOOPANI, Atefe ; et al
Poster presented at 7TH INTERNATIONAL GOGICA BELGICA MEETING 2021 on 2021-09-16
| Conf. Talk The LASUGEO project: monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic measurements.
/ Devleeschouwer, Xavier ; Choopani, Atefe ; et al
Talk presented at 7th INTERNATIONAL GOGICA BELGICA MEETING 2021 on 2021-09-15