Space Pole Publications Server 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Conf. Talk 
FAIRness of solar physics and space weather datasets through international collaboration / Delouille, Veronique ; Verstringe, Freek ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW, Coimbra, Portugal on 2024-11-05 [CTALK-2025-0063]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Vigil Data Utilization from Solar Weather ESC perspective / de Patoul, Judith ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Invited talk presented at Vigil Workshop at the European Space Weather Week 2024, Coimbra Portugal on 2024-11-08 [CTALK-2025-0039]
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Conf. Talk 
Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI / Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Talk presented at IAU Symposium 388: Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections, Krakow, Poland on 2024-05-07 [CTALK-2025-0036]
Conf. Poster 
Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI / Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia ; D'Huys, Elke ; et al
Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA on 2024-04-11 [POSTER-2025-0027]
Conf. Talk 
Statistical study of prominence eruptions in the wide field of view of Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI / Dorsch, Brenda Daniela ; Talpeanu, Dana Camelia ; et al
Talk presented at CoCo-Con, Leuven, Belgium. on 2024-05-23 [CTALK-2024-0118]
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Conf. Talk 
Analysis of Coronal Mass Ejections through novel Extreme Ultraviolet Imager observations and modeling. / Dorsch, Brenda Daniela. ; Rodriguez, Luciano. ; et al
Talk presented at XIV COLAGE 2024, Nuevo León , Mexico. on 2024-04-09 [CTALK-2024-0116]
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Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Observations of Erupting Prominences by EUI/FSI Aboard Solar Orbiter / D'Huys, Elke ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Invited talk presented at PROBA3 SWT, ROB on 2023-11-28 [CTALK-2024-0063]
Conf. Poster 
Analysis of two interacting Coronal Mass Ejections through novel Extreme Ultraviolet Imager observations and modelling / Dorsch, Brenda Daniela ; Rodriguez, Luciano ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20 [POSTER-2023-0045]
Conf. Talk 
Transfer-Solar-GAN- Generation of Input Sources for Solar Wind Models with Deep Learning / Li, Xiaoyue ; Butala, Mark ; et al
Talk presented at Machine learning in Heliophysics, Boulder and online on 2022-03-24 [CTALK-2022-0060]

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1 Shukhobodskaia, Daria.
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