| Science Article Wide bandgap EUV and VUV imagers for the Solar Orbiter
/ Hochedez, J.-F. ; Lemaire, P. ; Pace, E. ; Schühle, U. ; et al
published in ESA SP Series, 493, pp. 245-250 (2001)
| Science Article (Ref.) New Detector Concepts
/ Hochedez, J.-F. ; Schühle, U. ; Lemaire, P.
published in ISSI Scientific Report, pp. 371-378 (2002)
| Science Article (Ref.) The Solar Orbiter Mission and Design Recommendations
/ Schühle, U. ; Marsch, E. ; Thomas, R. ; Hochedez, J.-F.
published in ISSI Scientific Report, SR-002, pp. 361-370 (2002)
| Science Article Non-Thermal Line Broadenings and Electron Densities in a Polar Coronal Hole: Coordinated Observations Between SOHO/SUMER and Ground During the 1998 Total Eclipse
/ Patsourakos, S. ; Vial, J. C. ; Clette, F. ; Schühle, U.
published in proceeding (1998)
| Science Article (Ref.) LYRA: a Solar UV radiometer on Proba2
/ Hochedez, J.-F. ; Schmutz, W. ; Stockman, Y. ; Schühle, U. ; et al
published in Advances in Space Research, 37, pp. 303--312 (2006)
| Science Article MAGRITTE: an instrument suite for the solar atmospheric imaging assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
/ Rochus, P. ; Defise, J.-M. ; Halain, J.P. ; Jamar, C. ; et al
published in Proceedings of SPIE, 5171, pp. 53-64 (2004)
| Science Article SWAP: Sun watcher using APS detector on-board PROBA-2, a new EUV off-axis telescope on a technology demonstration platform
/ Defise, J.-M. ; Berghmans, D. ; Hochedez, J.-F. ; Lecat, J.H. ; et al
published in Proceedings of SPIE, 5171, pp. 143-154 (2004)
| Science Article SWAP: Sun watcher with a new EUV telescope on a technology demonstration platform
/ Defise, J.-M. ; Lecat, J.H. ; Mazy, E. ; Rochus, P. ; et al
published in ESA SP Series, 554, pp. 257-262 (2004)
| Science Article New UV detectors for solar observations
/ Hochedez, J.-F. ; Schühle, U. ; Pau, J.L. ; Alvarez, J. ; et al
published in proceeding, 4853, pp. 419-426 (2003)
| Science Article (Ref.) Imageur diamant et nitrures pour l'observation UV du soleil
/ Hochedez, J.-F. ; Appourchaux, T. ; Balogh, A. ; Castex, M.-C. ; et al
published in proceeding, 108, pp. 227-231 (2003)