| Science Article (Ref.) Coronal mass ejection followed by a prominence eruption and a plasma blob as observed by Solar Orbiter
/ Bemporad, A. ; Andretta, V. ; Susino, R. ; Mancuso, S. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 665 issue A7 (2022)
| Science Article (Ref.) The first Coronal Mass Ejection observed in both visible-light and UV H I Ly-alpha channels of the Metis Coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter
/ Andretta, V. ; Bemporad, A. ; De Leo, Y. ; Jerse, G. ; et al
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 656, id.L14, 10 pp.
| Conf. Poster The eruption of 22 April 2021 as observed by Solar Orbiter, STEREO and Earth bound instruments
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Mierla, M. ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Solar Physics Meeting (online) on 2021-09-08
| Conf. Poster Double prominence eruption observed by Solar Orbiter and PSP
/ Janssens, J. ; Berghmans, D. ; et al
Poster presented at 16th European Solar Physics Meeting (online) on 2021-09-08