Space Pole Publications Server 11 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Quo vadis, European Space Weather community? / Lilensten, Jean ; Dumbovic, Mateja ; Spogli, Luca ; Belehaki, Anna ; et al
published in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 11 issue 26 (2021) 10.1051/swsc/2021009 [SCART-2022-0061]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Coronal Hole Detection and Open Magnetic Flux / Linker, Jon A. ; Heinemann, Stephan. G ; Temmer, Manuela ; Owens, Mathew J. ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) (2021) 10.3847/1538-4357/ac090a [SCART-2021-0123]
Coupling the Multi-VP model with EUHFORIA / Samara, Evangelia ; Pinto, Rui F. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2020-05-04 [CTALK-2021-0044]
Implementing the Multi-VP coronal model in EUHFORIA: results and comparisons with the WSA coronal model / Samara, Evangelia ; Pinto, Rui F. ; et al
Talk presented at Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society on 2020-09-21 [CTALK-2021-0043]
Implementing the Multi-VP coronal model in EUHFORIA: results and comparisons with the WSA coronal model / Samara, Evangelia ; Pinto, Rui F. ; et al
Talk presented at AGU 2020, San Francisco on 2020-12-07 [CTALK-2021-0042]
Conf. Poster 
Implementing the Multi-VP coronal model in EUHFORIA: results and comparisons with the WSA coronal model / Samara, Evangelia ; Pinto, Rui F. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWS 2020 on 2020-11-02 [POSTER-2021-0021]
Science Article 
Building small scales in MHD turbulence / Verdini, A. ; Grappin, R. ; Pinto, Rui ; Velli, M.
submitted to AIP Conf. Proc. SW 13 (2012) [SIDCimport-931]
Science Article 
Coupling the solar surface and the corona: coronal rotation, Alfvén wave-driven polar plumes / Pinto, Rui ; Grappin, R. ; Velli, M. ; Verdini, A.
submitted to AIP Conf. Proc. SW 13 (2012) [SIDCimport-929]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Coupling the solar surface and the corona: coronal rotation, Alfvén wave-driven polar plumes / Pinto, Rui ; Grappin, R. ; Velli, M. ; Verdini, A.
published in SOLAR WIND 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1539, pp. 74-77 (2013) [SIDCimport-538]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Building small scales in MHD turbulence / Verdini, A. ; Grappin, R. ; Pinto, Rui ; Velli, M.
published in SOLAR WIND 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1539, pp. 58-61 (2013) [SIDCimport-537]
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Space Pole Publications Server : 11 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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6 Pinto, R.
1 Pinto, R. F
7 Pinto, R. F.
2 Pinto, R.F.
5 Pinto, Rui F.
5 Pinto, Rui F.
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