Space Pole Publications Server 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Coronal Conditions for the Occurrence of Type II Radio Bursts / Kouloumvakos, Athanasios; ; Rouillard, Alexis; ; Warmuth, Alexander; ; Magdalenic, Jasmina; ; et al
published in The Astrophysical Journal, 913 issue 2 (2021) 10.3847/1538-4357/abf435 [SCART-2022-0053]
Conf. Poster 
Impact of the November 04th 2015 solar radio burst on air traffic operations / Marqué, Christophe ; Klein, Karl-Ludwig ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 14, Ostend on 2017-11-29 [POSTER-2017-0040]
Conf. Poster 
Impact of the November 04th 2015 solar radio burst on air traffic operations / Marqué, Christophe ; Klein, Karl-Ludwig ; et al
Poster presented at International Workshop on Solar, Heliospheric and Magnetospheric Radioastronomy: the legacy of Jean-Louis Steinberg on 2017-11-07 [POSTER-2017-0039]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Solar radio emission as a disturbance of aeronautical radionavigation / Marqué, Christophe ; Klein, Karl-Ludwig ; Monstein, Christian ; Opgenoorth, Hermann ; et al
published in Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8, pp. A42 (2018) 10.1051/swsc/2018029 [SCART-2017-0057]
Conf. Talk 
The impact of the November 4th 2015 event on air traffic radars / Marqué, Christophe ; Klein, Karl- Ludwig ; et al
Talk presented at CESRA 2016, Orléans on 2016-06-14 [CTALK-2017-0022]
Conf. Poster 
New solar radiotelescopes in Belgium / Clette, F. ; Marqué, C. ; et al
Poster presented at URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, 10 - 16/8/2008 on 2008-08-xx [SIDCimport-1696]
Science Article 
Status of solar radio astronomy observatories in Europe / Marqué, C. ; Monstein, C. ; Gallagher, P.T. ; Kallunki, J. ; et al
published in CRAF News 29, September 2015 (2015) [SIDCimport-1601]

See also: similar author names
5 Monstein, Christian
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