| Science Article High-speed streams in the solar wind during the last solar minimum
/ Maris, G. ; Oprea, C. ; Mierla, M.
published in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and Stars, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 286, pp. 229-233 (2012)
| Science Article Earth-directed coronal mass ejections and their geoeffectiveness during the 2007-2010 interval
/ Oprea, C. ; Mierla, M. ; Maris, G.
published in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and Stars, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 286, pp. 242-245 (2012)
| Conf. Talk Multispacecraft observations of 3 and 8 April 2010 Coronal Mass Ejections
/ Mierla, M. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Talk presented at ESWW7, Brugge, Belgium, November 15-19, 2010. on 2010-xx-xx
| Conf. Poster Analysis of 26 April 2008 Coronal Mass Ejection
/ Mierla, M. ; Balmaceda, L. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, August 8 - 12, 2010. on 2010-xx-xx
| Conf. Poster Multispacecraft observations of 3 and 8 April 2010 Coronal Mass Ejections
/ Mierla, M. ; Rodriguez, L. ; et al
Poster presented at CESRA Meeting 2010, La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium, June 15 - 19, 2010. on 2010-xx-xx
| Conf. Talk On 3D Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections: Study of 31 August 2007 Event
/ Mierla, M. ; Inhester, B. ; et al
Talk presented at STEREO Science Working Group 21, Dublin, Ireland, March 22-26, 2010. on 2010-xx-xx
| Conf. Talk Linking remote-sensing and in situ observations of CMEs observed by STEREO
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
Talk presented at COSPAR, Bremen, Germany, July 18 - 25, 2010. on 2010-xx-xx
| Conf. Poster Statistical study of halo CMEs and their influence on the Earth magnetic field
/ Chifu, I. ; Mierla, M. ; et al
Poster presented at Space Climate Symposium 3, Lapland, Finnland, March 18-22, 2009. on 2009-xx-xx
| Conf. Poster Three-dimensional reconstruction of active regions
/ Rodriguez, L. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; et al
Poster presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19 – 24 April 2009. on 2009-xx-xx
| Conf. Talk 3D reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections using SECCHI-COR Data
/ Mierla, M. ; Inhester, B. ; et al
Talk presented at 5th European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium, November 2008 on 2008-xx-xx