Space Pole Publications Server 26 records found  beginprevious17 - 26  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Effects of the Electron Temperature Anisotropy on the Development of the Proton Firehose Instability in the Solar Wind conditions / Micera, A. ; Boella, E. ; et al
Poster presented at AGU 100 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA on 2019-12-09 [POSTER-2020-0056]
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Effects of the Electron Temperature Anisotropy on the Development of the Proton Firehose Instability in the Solar Wind / Micera, A. ; Boella, E. ; et al
Poster presented at 61st Annual Meeting of the APS, Fort Lauderdale, USA on 2019-10-21 [POSTER-2020-0055]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Particle-in-Cell simulations of the parallel proton firehose instability influenced by the electron temperature anisotropy in solar wind conditions / Micera, A. ; Boella, E. ; Zhukov, A. N. ; Shaaban, S. M. ; et al
published in Astrophysical Journal, 893, pp. 130 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7faa [SCART-2020-0052]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Particle-in-cell simulations of the whistler heat-flux instability in the solar wind conditions / Lopez, R. A. ; Shaaban, S. M. ; Lazar, M. ; Poedts, S. ; et al
published in ApJL, 882 issue 1, pp. L8 10.3847/2041-8213/ab398b [SCART-2020-0051]
Conf. Poster 
Fully kinetic simulations of electron and ion firehose instability in the solar wind using the ECSIM code / Micera, Alfredo ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Poster presented at ISSS-13 conference, Los Angeles, USA on 2018-09-06 [POSTER-2019-0047]
Conf. Poster 
Kinetic simulations of electron and ion temperature-anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind using the ECSIM code / Micera, Alfredo ; Boella, Elisabetta ; et al
Poster presented at Solar Wind 15 Workshop, Brussels, Belgium on 2018-06-18 [POSTER-2019-0046]
Conf. Poster 
First principle simulations of tangential discontinuities at the magnetopause using the new Energy Conserving Semi-Implict Method / Micera, Alfredo ; Gonzalez-Herrero, Diego ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria on 2018-04-08 [POSTER-2019-0045]
Conf. Talk 
Fully kinetic simulations of electron and ion firehose instability in the solar wind using the ECSIM code / Micera, Alfredo ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Talk presented at 12th Heliophysics Summer School, Boulder, USA on 2018-07-26 [CTALK-2019-0065]
Conf. Talk 
Kinetic simulations of electron and ion temperature-anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind using the ECSIM code / Micera, Alfredo ; Zhukov, Andrei ; et al
Talk presented at 19th Meeting of the FNRS Contact Group Astronomie & Astrophysique on 2018-07-04 [CTALK-2019-0064]
Science Article (Ref.) 
ECSIM-CYL: Energy Conserving Semi-Implicit particle in cell simulation in axially simmetric cylindrical coordinates / Gonzalez-Herrero, Diego ; Micera, Alfredo ; Boella, Elisabetta ; Park, Jaeyoung ; et al
published in Computer Physics Communications (2018) 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.10.026 [SCART-2019-0070]

Space Pole Publications Server : 26 records found   beginprevious17 - 26  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
9 Micera, A.
17 Micera, Alfredo
17 Micera, Alfredo
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