Space Pole Publications Server 235 records found  beginprevious224 - 233next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Science Article (Ref.) 
Tracking the CME-driven shock wave on 2012 March 05 and radio triangulation of associated radio emission / Magdalenic, J. ; Marqué, C. ; Krupar, Vratislav ; Mierla, M. ; et al
published in Astrophysical Journal, 791 (2014) 10.1088/0004-637X/791/2/115 [SIDCimport-892]
Conf. Talk 
The CME-driven shock wave on 2012 March 05 and radio triangulation of associated radio emission2012 / Magdalenic, J. ; Krupar, Vratislav ; et al
Talk presented at 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly on 2014-xx-xx [SIDCimport-830]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Coherent Radio Emission and the now LOFAR radio interferometer / Magdalenic, J.
Invited talk presented at 2nd RadioSun Workshop Summer School on 2014-xx-xx [SIDCimport-829]
Conf. Talk 
Mapping the 3D position of solar coronal shock waves using radio triangulation / Magdalenic, J. ; Krupar, Vratislav ; et al
Talk presented at Tomography 3D reconstruction workshop on 2014-04-xx [SIDCimport-828]
Conf. Poster 
Tailored Space Weather Products in Support of ESA Missions / Berghmans, D. ; Kruglanski, M. ; et al
Poster presented at ESWW11 on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-818]
Conf. Talk 
Type III radio bursts observed with LOFAR and Nancay radioheliograph / Magdalenic, J. ; Marqué, C. ; et al
Talk presented at 14th European Solar Physics Meeting on 2014-11-xx [SIDCimport-781]
Science Article (Ref.) 
LOFAR tied-array imaging of Type III solar radio bursts / Morosan, D. E. ; Gallagher, P.T. ; Zucca, P. ; Fallows, R. ; et al
published in Astronomy Astrophysics, 568, pp. 67 - 75 (2014) 10.1051/0004-6361/201423936 [SIDCimport-622]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Flare-generated Type II Burst without Associated Coronal Mass Ejection / Magdalenic, J. ; Marqué, C. ; Zhukov, A.N. ; Vrsnak, B. ; et al
published in Astrophysical Journal, 746, pp. 152--159 (2012) 10.1088/0004-637X/746/2/152 [SIDCimport-491]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Analysis of a Global Moreton Wave Observed on 2003 October 28 / Muhr, N. ; Vrsnak, B. ; Temmer, M. ; Veronig, A. M. ; et al
published in Astrophysical Journal, 708, pp. 1639--1649 (2010) 10.1088/0004-637X/708/2/1639 [SIDCimport-470]
Science Article 
Space Weather data and services at SIDC / RWC Belgium / Van der Linden, R.A.M. ; BenMoussa, A. ; Berghmans, D. ; Boulvin, O. ; et al
published in Proc. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Symposium PSW, paper n° PSW1-0052-10,Poster Nr. Tue-287, pp. 2 (2010) [SIDCimport-452]

Space Pole Publications Server : 235 records found   beginprevious224 - 233next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
17 Magdalenic, J
147 Magdalenic, J.
147 Magdalenic, J.
1 Magdalenic, J. ´
7 Magdalenic, J.;
7 Magdalenic, J.;
1 Magdalenic, J;
60 Magdalenic, Jasmina
60 Magdalenic, Jasmina
1 Magdalenic, Jasmina.
4 Magdalenic, Jasmina;
4 Magdalenic, Jasmina;
17 Magdalenić, J
147 Magdalenić, J.
147 Magdalenić, J.
7 Magdalenić, J.;
60 Magdalenić, Jasmina
60 Magdalenič, Jasmina
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