| Conf. Talk Towards magnetic sounding of Mars using diurnal variations
/ Mittelholz, Anna ; Johnson, Catherine ; et al
Talk presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual on 2020-12-15
| Science Article (Ref.) Lunar Seismology: A Data and Instrumentation Review
/ Nunn, Ceri ; Garcia, Raphael F. ; Nakamura, Yosio ; Marusiak, Angela G. ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 216 issue 5 (2020)
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) MSS1: Single-Station and Single-Event Marsquake Inversion
/ Drilleau, Mélanie ; Beucler, Éric ; Lognonné, Philippe ; Panning, Mark P. ; et al
published in Earth and Space Science, 7 issue 12 (2020)
Files: PDF; |
| Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation on Mars
/ Bozdağ, Ebru ; Ruan, Youyi ; Metthez, Nathan ; Khan, Amir ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 211 (2017)
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| Conf. Poster Inversion of Mars’ structure using geodynamic constraints
/ Samuel, Henri ; Drilleau, Mélanie ; et al
Poster presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna on 2019-04-12
| Conf. Poster The thermo-chemical evolution of Mars with a compositionally stratified mantle
/ Samuel, Henri ; Ballmer, Maxime ; et al
Poster presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019 San Francisco on 2019-12-13
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Poster Forward Modeling of the Phobos Tides and applications to the InSight Mission
/ Pou, Laurent ; Nimmo, Francis ; et al
Poster presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019 San Francisco on 2019-12-13
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models
/ Garcia, Raphael F. ; Khan, Amir ; Drilleau, Mélanie ; Margerin, Ludovic ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews, 215 issue 8 (2019)
Files: PDF; |
| Science Article (Ref.) SEIS: The Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of InSight.
/ Lognonne, Philippe ; Banerdt, W.B. ; Giardini, D. ; Pike, W.T. ; et al
published in Space Science Reviews - InSight pre-launch special issue, 215, pp. 12 (2019)
| Conf. Poster An international team to create reference models and data sets for Moon seismology
/ Garcia, Raphael ; Zhu, Peimin ; et al
Poster presented at EGU, Vienna on 2018-04-09