Space Pole Publications Server 31 records found  beginprevious22 - 31  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
SolO/EUI Data Release 2.0 / Kraaikamp, Emil ; Gissot, Samuel ; et al [DATASET-2021-0040]
Conf. Poster 
First Images and Initial In-Flight Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter. / Auchere, Frederic ; Gissot, Samuel ; et al
Poster presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2020, online on 2020-12-14 [POSTER-2021-0022]
SolO/EUI Data release 1.0 / Stegen, Koen ; Kraaikamp, Emil ; et al [DATASET-2021-0032]
Outreach Talk 
Fotos en Video's gemaakt met de USET zonnetelescopen / Kraaikamp, Emil
Talk presented at Opendeurdag OMA 2018 on 2018-09-30 [OUTRTLK-2018-0034]
a Lucky Imaging contribution to the SUMER/IRIS/GBOs/Hinode HOP 334 campaign / Kraaikamp, Emil ; Dolla, Laurent
Poster presented at 15th European Solar Physics Meeting, Budapest, Hungary on 2017-09-04 [POSTER-2018-0022]
Conf. Talk 
Ludicrous imaging at USET - High cadence ground based H-α and Ca-II K observations / Kraaikamp, Emil ; Dolla, Laurent
Talk presented at STCE annual meeting, ROB, Brussels, Belgium on 2017-06-08 [CTALK-2018-0029]
Conf. Talk 
Ludicrous imaging at USET - High cadence ground based H-α and Ca-II K observations for SUMER/IRIS/GBOs/Hinode HOP 0334 campaign / Kraaikamp, Emil ; Dolla, Laurent ; et al
Talk presented at 19th EUI Consortium Meeting, ROB, Brussels, Belgium on 2017-06-01 [CTALK-2018-0028]
Conf. Talk (Inv.) 
Challenges of automatic detection algorithms for solar physics images / Bourgoignie, Bram ; Berghmans, David ; et al
Invited talk presented at STCE Workshop - Automatic detection of events in radio data, Ukkel on 2013-05-31 [CTALK-2017-0052]
Virtual machines and data processing in the Solar Orbiter EUI Data Centre / Kraaikamp, Emil
Seminar presented at ROB on 2016-06-17 [SEMIN-2017-0002]
Conf. Talk 
Solar Demon - automated detection of flares, dimmings and EUV waves in near real-time on SDO/AIA / Kraaikamp, Emil ; Verbeeck, Cis
Talk presented at Modern data-analysis in Solar Physics on 2016-01-08 [CTALK-2017-0005]

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See also: similar author names
6 Kraaikamp, E
92 Kraaikamp, E.
92 Kraaikamp, E.
92 Kraaikamp, E.
31 Kraaikamp, Emil
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