| Conf. Poster Statistical study of fine scale Extreme-UV quiet Sun brightenings: Closest Perihelion observations of the quiet solar corona with SolO/EUI
/ Narang, Nancy ; Verbeeck, Cis ; et al
Poster presented at EclipseSA: Joint SolO, PSP & DKIST Meeting , San Antonio, Texas, US on 2024-04-08
Files: JPG; |
| Dataset SolO/EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01
/ Kraaikamp, Emil ; Gissot, Samuel ; et al
| Science Article (Ref.) Three Eruptions Observed by Remote Sensing Instruments Onboard Solar Orbiter
/ Mierla, Marilena ; Cremades, Hebe ; Andretta, Vincenzo ; Chifu, Iulia ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 298, pp. 42
| Press Rel. A patchwork image of the Sun
/ D'Huys, Elke ; Vanlommel, Petra ; et al
| Science Article (Ref.) Signatures of dynamic fibrils at the coronal base: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI
/ Mandal, Sudip ; Peter, Hardi ; Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep ; Cuadrado, Regina A. ; et al
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 670, pp. L3 (2023)
| First Perihelion of EUI
/ Berghmans, David ; Antolin, Patrick ; et al
Talk presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop on 2022-09-12
| Dataset SolO/EUI Data Release 5.0 2022-04
/ Mampaey, Benjamin ; Verbeeck, Francis ; et al
| Press Rel. Zooming into the Sun with Solar Orbiter
/ ESA, MediaTeam ; Kraaikamp, Emil ; et al
| Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) High-Resolution Imager (HRI-EUV) telescope: from ground calibration to first in-flight images, and future EUV space solar instruments
/ Gissot, Samuel ; Auchère, Frédéric ; et al
Invited talk presented at 317. PTB Seminar VUV and EUV Metrology, EUV 2021 on 2021-10-19
| Dataset SolO/EUI Data Release 4.0 2021-12
/ Auchere, Frederic ; Mampaey, Benjamin ; et al