Space Pole Publications Server 22 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Conf. Poster 
Bypassing the static input size of Neural Networks in flare forecasting by using Spatial Pyramid Pooling / Vong, P ; Dolla, L ; et al
Poster presented at European Space Weather Week 2024 in Coimbra on 2024-11-04 [POSTER-2025-0033]
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Science Article 
Firefly: The Case for a Holistic Understanding of the Global Structure and Dynamics of the Sun and the Heliosphere / Raouafi, Nour E. ; Hoeksema, J. Todd ; Newmark, Jeffrey S. ; Gibson, Sarah ; et al
published in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033, white paper, 55 issue 3 (2023) 10.3847/25c2cfeb.c647a83d [SCART-2024-0025]
Understanding the acceleration of the fast solar wind by linking remote sensing and in situ observations / Koukras, Alexandros [THESIS-2023-0002]
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros
Seminar presented at Solar Orbiter Working Group "solar wind origins" on 2022-10-06 [SEMIN-2023-0004]
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros ; Keppens, Rony ; et al
Talk presented at COSPAR 2022, Athens, Greece on 2022-07-19 [CTALK-2022-0070]
Conf. Poster 
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros ; Keppens, Rony ; et al
Poster presented at SHINE 2022, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on 2022-06-26 [POSTER-2022-0035]
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros ; Keppens, Rony ; et al
Talk presented at Solar Orbiter School, Sète, France on 2022-05-30 [CTALK-2022-0069]
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros ; Keppens, Rony ; et al
Talk presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria on 2022-05-24 [CTALK-2022-0068]
Estimating uncertainties in the back-mapping of the fast solar / Koukras, Alexandros
Seminar presented at CmPA, KULeuven on 2022-02-17 [SEMIN-2022-0016]
Estimating uncertainties in the back mapping of the fast solar wind / Koukras, Alexandros
Seminar presented at Royal Observatory of Belgium on 2021-10-15 [SEMIN-2022-0008]

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See also: similar author names
20 Koukras, Alexandros
20 Koukras, Alexandros
20 Koukras, Alexandros
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