| Science Article (Ref.) Segmentation of Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Images using a Multispectral Data Fusion Process
/ Barra, V. ; Delouille, V. ; Hochedez, J.-F.
published in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 211--216 (2007)
| Science Article Modelisation des images de Soleil calme dans l'extreme ultra-violet
/ Chainais, P. ; Delouille, V. ; Hochedez, J.-F.
published in Actes de colloques du GRETSI (2007)
| Science Article Modeling images of the Quiet Sun in the extreme ultra-violet
/ Chainais, P. ; Delouille, V. ; Hochedez, J.-F.
published in Wavelets XII. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6701, pp. 670111 (2007)
| Science Article (Ref.) Segmentation of Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Images via Multichannel Fuzzy Clustering
/ Barra, V. ; Delouille, V. ; Hochedez, J.-F.
published in Advances in Space Research, 42, pp. 917-925 (2008)
| Science Article (Ref.) GOES-8 X-ray sensor variance stabilization using the multiscale data-driven Haar-Fisz transform
/ Fryzlewicz, P. ; Delouille, V. ; Nason, G.
published in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 56, pp. 99--116 (2007)
| Science Article Space Weather with ESA's PROBA2 mission
/ Lawrence, G. ; Berghmans, D. ; Hochedez, J.-F. ; BenMoussa, A. ; et al
published in ESA SP Series, 592, pp. 137++ (2005)
| Science Article SWAP: an EUV imager for solar monitoring on board of PROBA2
/ Katsiyannis, A.C. ; Berghmans, D. ; Hochedez, J.-F. ; Nicula, B. ; et al
published in SPIE, 5901, pp. 236--243 (2005)
| Science Article Segmentation of EIT Images Using Fuzzy Clustering: a Preliminary Study
/ Barra, V. ; Delouille, V. ; Hochedez, J.-F. ; Chainais, P.
published in ESA SP Series, 600 (2005)
| Science Article (Ref.) Performance of diamond detectors for VUV applications
/ BenMoussa, A. ; Theissen, A. ; Scholze, F. ; Hochedez, J.-F. ; et al
published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 568, pp. 398-405 (2006)
| Science Article A data-driven Haar-Fisz transform for multiscale variance stabilization
/ Fryzlewicz, P. ; Delouille, V.
published in IEEE/SP 13th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, pp. 539--544 (2005)