| Nodal urban seismology for society
/ Van Noten, Koen ; De Plaen, Raphael ; et al
Talk presented at ESC2024, Corfu, Greece on 2024-09-26
| Conf. Talk The seismic signature of skiing
/ Igel, Heiner ; Brass, Sophie ; et al
Talk presented at EGU, Vienna, Austria on 2024-04-17
| Science Article Bepaling van de sokkeldiepte van het Brabant Massief met behulp van seismische ruismetingen ter hoogte van de Bospoortbrug te Halle
/ Van Noten, Koen ; De Plaen, Raphael
published in Expertiserapport ROB-DVW 2024-01. Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België, Ukkel., pp. 34 (2024)
Files: PDF; Files: CSV; |
| Conf. Talk Standortcharakterisierung der Permanentstationen im belgischen, seismologischen Netzwerk (BE) mithilfe von SmartSolo 3-Kanal Geophonen
/ Zeckra, Martin ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Talk presented at AG Seismologie 2023, Freiburg, Germany on 2023-09-26
| Conf. Poster Combining active and passive noise surveys for site effect analyses of the BE Belgian Seismic Network, serving for relative site condition estimates across Belgium
/ Zeckra, Martin ; Van Noten, Koen ; et al
Poster presented at AGU23 San Francisco USA on 2023-12-14
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Poster Performance of SmartSolo Seismic Nodes for Seismological, Environmental and Shallow Geothermal research
/ Van Noten, Koen ; Zeckra, Martin ; et al
Poster presented at AGU23 San Francisco USA on 2023-12-12
Files: PDF; |
| Conf. Talk Characterization of the Han-sur-Lesse’s alluvial plain by seismic imagery
/ Herzl, Nathan HERZL ; Martin, Aurélie ; et al
Talk presented at Belqua workshop, Royal Academies of Science and the Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium on 2022-03-29
| Science Article (Ref.) Temporal changes of seismic velocity caused by volcanic activity at Mt. Etna revealed by the autocorrelation of ambient seismic noise
/ De Plaen, Raphael ; Cannata, Andrea ; Cannavo, Flavio ; Caudron, Corentin ; et al
published in Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 6, pp. 251 (2018)
| Science Article (Ref.) Single station monitoring of volcanoes using seismic ambient noise
/ De Plaen, Raphaël ; Lecocq, Thomas ; Caudron, Corentin ; Ferrazzini, Valérie ; et al
published in Geophysical Research Letters, 43 issue 16 (2016)