| Science Article (Ref.) Modeling observations of solar coronal mass ejections with heliospheric imagers verified with the Heliophysics System Observatory
/ Moestl, C. ; Isavnin, A. ; Boakes, P. ; Kilpua, E. K. J. ; et al
published in Space Weather, 15 issue 7, pp. 955--970
| Conf. Poster A Catalogue of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers: Results from HELCATS
/ Barnes, D. ; Davies, J. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU 2017 on 2017-04-24
| Conf. Talk (Inv.) Overview of the HELCATS project
/ Harrison, R. ; Davies, J. ; et al
Invited talk presented at EGU 2017 on 2017-04-24
| Conf. Talk Long-Term Tracking of Corotating Density Structures Using Heliospheric Imaging (catalogue of CIRs during 2007-2014)
/ Plotnikov, I. ; Rouillard, A. ; et al
Talk presented at EGU 2017 on 2017-04-24
| Conf. Poster Modeling of coronal mass ejections with the STEREO heliospheric imagers verified with in situ observations by the Heliophysics System Observatory
/ Möstl, C. ; Isavnin, A. ; et al
Poster presented at EGU 2017 on 2017-04-24
| Conf. Talk Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Technique Service (HELCATS)
/ Kilpua, E. ; Harrison, R. ; et al
Talk presented at Global modelling of the space weather chain, Espoo, Finland on 2016-11-24
| Conf. Talk Highlights and results from the FP7 HELCATS (Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service) project
/ Harrison, R. ; Davies, J. ; et al
Talk presented at 13th European Space Weather Week, Ostende, Belgium on 2016-11-14
| Conf. Talk HELCATS - Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service
/ Harrison, R. ; Davies, J. ; et al
Talk presented at First VarSITI General Symposium and annual HELCATS meeting, Albena, Bulgaria on 2016-06-06
| Conf. Talk Solar coronal mass ejections observed with the Heliophysics System Observatory
/ Moestl, C. ; Boakes, P.D. ; et al
Talk presented at First VarSITI General Symposium and annual HELCATS meeting, Albena, Bulgaria on 2016-06-06
| Science Article (Ref.) Automated Detection Of Coronal Mass Ejections In STEREO Heliospheric Imager Data
/ Pant, Vaibhav ; Willems, S. ; Rodriguez, L. ; Mierla, M. ; et al
published in ApJ, 833, pp. 80 (2016)