| Dataset USET whole-disk solar image archive (White-light, CaII K , H-alpha)
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
| Conf. Poster Data homogenization for a network of ground-based synoptic imaging telescopes
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Clette, Frédéric
Poster presented at ML-Helio, Machine Learning in Heliophysics on 2019-09-19
| Conf. Talk IAGA Resolution: International Sunspot Number: support to WDC SILSO
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Clette, Frederic
Talk presented at IUGG 2019, Montreal on 2019-07-12
| Conf. Talk The Sunspot Number series: reconciling past and present with modern tools
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Mathieu, Sophie ; et al
Talk presented at IUGG 2019, Montreal on 2019-07-15
| Conf. Talk The Sunspot Number series: advanced statistics to model sunspot counts
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Mathieu, Sophie ; et al
Talk presented at IUGG, Montreal on 2019-07-12
| Conf. Talk Advanced Statistics to model the Sunspot Number series
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Mathieu, Sophie ; et al
Talk presented at Space Climate 7, Montreal, Canada on 2019-07-09
| Conf. Poster The Sunspot Number Recalibration
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Clette, Frédéric ; et al
Poster presented at 2018 SDO Science Workshop on 2018-10-29
| Dataset USET image archive (WL, CAII, Halpha)
/ Clette, Frederic ; Bechet, Sabrina ; et al
| Dataset USET drawing archive
/ Clette, Frederic ; USET, Team
| Dataset USET White-light images (photosphere)
/ Clette, Frederic ; USET, team