Space Pole Publications Server 472 records found  beginprevious462 - 471next  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Science Article 
Modelling the Electron Density Distribution in the July 1991 Solar Corona / Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P. ; Gabryl, J.R.
published in Proc. IAU Coll, Eds. V. Rusin, P. Heinzel and J.-C. Vial , 144, pp. 535--539 (1994) [SIDCimport-33]
Science Article (Ref.) 
Properties of the atmospheric noise in full-disk photometric observations of solar oscillations: implications for asteroseismology from the ground / Clette, F.
published in Astronomy Astrophysics, 267, pp. 577--585 (1993) [SIDCimport-32]
Science Article 
The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on the SOHO Mission / Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P.
published in Space Scientific Research in Belgium, SPPS , 2, Part 1, pp. 183--194 (1994) [SIDCimport-26]
Outreach Article 
Le Soleil, de la photosphere à la couronne / Sauval, J. ; Clette, F.
published in Nouvelles de la Science et des Technologies, 13, pp. 37 (1995) [SIDCimport-20]
Science Article (Ref.) 
EIT: Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope for the SOHO Mission / Delaboudiniere, J.-P. ; Artzner, G.E. ; Brunaud, J. ; Gabriel, A.H. ; et al
published in Solar Physics, 162, pp. 291--312 (1995) 10.1007/BF00733432 [SIDCimport-18]
Science Article 
EIT: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope. Synoptic Observations of Small and Large-Scale Coronal Structures / Clette, F. ; Delaboudiniere, J.-P. ; Dere, K.P. ; Cugnon, P. ; et al
published in Lecture Notes Phys., 444, pp. 251--260 (1995) 10.1007/3-540-59109-5_55 [SIDCimport-17]
Science Article 
First Results from EIT / Clette, F. ; Delaboudiniere, J.-P. ; Artzner, G.E. ; Brunaud, J. ; et al
published in Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 118, pp. 268 (1997) [SIDCimport-13]
Science Article (Ref.) 
The Solar Influences Data analysis Centre / Berghmans, D. ; Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P. ; Gabryl, J.R. ; et al
published in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64, pp. 757-761 (2002) 10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00037-8 [SIDCimport-10]
Science Article 
The Solar Influences Data analysis Center: current status of expanding activities / Clette, F. ; Van der Linden, R.A.M. ; Cugnon, P. ; Berghmans, D. ; et al
submitted to ESA SP Series, 506, pp. 125--128 (2002) [SIDCimport-6]
Files: PDF;
Science Article 
The new instrumentation of the SIDC/Uccle station / Clette, F. ; Cugnon, P. ; Berghmans, D. ; Van der Linden, R.A.M. ; et al
submitted to ESA SP Series, 506, pp. 935--938 (2002) [SIDCimport-5]

Space Pole Publications Server : 472 records found   beginprevious462 - 471next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
2 Clette, F
307 Clette, F.
166 Clette, Frederic
166 Clette, Frederic
166 Clette, Frédéric
166 Clette, Frédéric
1 Clette, Frédérique
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