| Outreach RadioTV Emission Hors Cadre: Experts du soleil, la tête dans les étoiles
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; de Patoul, Judith ; et al
Program broadcasted on Bx1 on 2023-11-16
| Science Article (Ref.) How does the solar chromospheric activity look like under different inclination angles ?
/ Vanden Broeck, G. ; Bechet, S. ; Rauw, G. ; Clette, F.
published in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2024)
| Science Article (Ref.) Katsue Misawa's sunspot observations in 1921–1934: a primary reference for the Wolfer–Brunner transition.
/ Hayakawa, H. ; Suyama, T. ; Clette, Frédérique ; Bhattacharya, Shreya ; et al
published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532 issue 4, pp. 4289-4303 (2024)
| Perio. SILSO News
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
| Perio. SILSO Sunspot Bulletin
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
| Dataset Real-time Estimated International Sunspot Number
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
| Dataset 12-month Sunspot Number forecasts
/ Clette, Frédéric ; Lefèvre, Laure
| Dataset International Sunspot Number
/ Lefèvre, Laure ; Delouille, Véronique ; et al
| Conf. Poster The plage time series from various viewing angles : impact on temporal modulation detection
/ Bechet, Sabrina ; Vanden Broeck, Grégory ; et al
Poster presented at Cool Stars 22 - online on 2024-06-24
| Outreach RadioTV L’Observatoire royal de Belgique ouvre ses portes et vous plonge la tête dans les étoiles
/ Alvarez, Rodrigo ; Clette, Frédéric ; et al
Program broadcasted on BX1 on 2019-09-21