| Evaluation of the capability of ExoMars-TGO NOMAD infrared nadir channel for water ice clouds detection on Mars.
/ Ruiz Lozano, L. ; Karatekin, Ö. ; Dehant, V. ; Bellucci, G. ; et al
published in Remote Sensing, 14 issue 4143, pp. 1-22 (2022)
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| Use of TGO-NOMAD nadir observations for ices detection.
/ Ruiz Lozano, L. ; Karatekin, Ö. ; et al
Poster presented at Europlanet Science Congress 2020 on 2020-09-21
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| Science Article Use of TGO-NOMAD nadir observations for ices detection.
/ Ruiz Lozano, L. ; Karatekin, Ö. ; Caldiero, A. ; Imbreckx, A.C. ; et al
published in EPSC 2020 Proceedings, 14, pp. EPSC2020-748 (2020)
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| No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observations
/ Korablev, Oleg ; Avandaele, Ann Carine ; Montmessin, Franck ; Fedorova, Anna A. ; et al
published in Nature Geoscience, 568 issue 7753, pp. 517-520 (2019)
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| Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
/ Vandaele, Ann Carine ; Korablev, Oleg ; Daerden, Frank ; Aoki, Shohei ; et al
published in Nature, 568 issue 7753, pp. 521-525 (2019)
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| Definition of a surface index based on previous datasets, to be used on NOMAD/EMTGO spectra.
/ Robert, S. ; Karatekin, O. ; Gloesener, E. ; Ruel, L. ; et al
published in European Planetary Science Congress - EPSC Abstracts , 12, pp. EPSC2018-722 (2018)
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| Science Article (Ref.) The DREAMS experiment onboard the Schiaparelli Module of the ExoMars 2016 mission: design, performances and expected result.
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published in Space Science Reviews, 214 issue 6, pp. Id. 103, 38 pages (2018)
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| Conf. Poster Definition of a surface index based on previous datasets, to be used on NOMAD/EMTGO spectra
/ Robert, Séverine ; Karatekin, Özgür ; et al
Poster presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin, Germany on 2018-09-19
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| Science Article (Ref.) NOMAD, an Integrated Suite of Three Spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical Description, Science Objectives and Expected Performance
/ Vandaele, A. C. ; Lopez-Moreno, J.-J. ; Patel, M. R. ; Bellucci, G. ; et al
published in Space Sci Rev, 214 issue 80 (2018)
| Science Article (Ref.) Expected performances of the NOMAD/ExoMars instrument
/ Robert, S. ; Vandaele, A. C. ; Thomas, I. ; Willame, Y. ; et al
published in Planetary and Space Science, 124, pp. 94-104 (2016)